
Borzoi Spesialen 2024 og cert-utstilling ble avholdt på Morokulien,  i samarbeid med Borzoi-Ringen.

Mange hadde meldt seg på (37) – og lørdagen 31.8 hadde flott sommervær og en liten bris under furutrærne,  et perfekt vær for utstilling.

Igjen hadde Borzoi-Utvalget gjort et formidabelt arbeid,  et overdådig premiebord og rikholdig kiosk fristet – i tillegg til en vakkert pyntet  og romslig ring,
så  alt lå tilrette for en minnerik dag – og bare for oss borzoi-entusiaster.
Utstillingsresultater og bilder vil komme på utstillings-siden,  mens utvalget får en velfortjent hvil før jobben starter mot neste års utstilling samme sted sier ryktene.



Presentasjon av dommeren på Spesialen 2024  –  Sue Pinkerton

I was born into the world of dogs as my mum bred GSD.

When I was older and married with children, I started breeding my own GSD. Even though I only showed them now and again. Sadly, one of our sons was allergic to them so I had to give them up.

I met my 1st Borzoi at the age of 12 and I fell in love with the breed in 1973. It wasn’t until 1988 / 1989 after divorcing my then husband and met my current husband of 35 years that I had my 1st 2 Borzoi. A Stonebar Saturn of Strelkos son (Ch Stonebar Sebastian sibling) and a Ch Livny Black Eagle son.

My 1st CC winning borzoi was Ryazan Minstrel born in 1992. We only lightly campaigned in the early years due to having 6 young children. Our 1st Champion was made up at Crufts 2009 was Ch Datcha Payatz at Menigma, sired by Ch Sholwood striking Midnight at Datcha and out of Ch Ryazan Laura of Yadasar. I have since made up 5 other UK champions and several CC winning dogs. I only keep males and only keep 4 at a time.

I feel privileged to have owned the top winning male in the breed for several years. And our Ch Korsakov Radost Power of Love (imp USA) ShCm , ShcEX co owned with Lynda Cattoni-Sarman being Top Winning Borzoi in the UK for 4 years in a row winning 35 CC,s making him the new record holder male. He is also producing Champions in the UK and Europe. His son our own Ch Ryazan Viceroy of Radost at Menigma winning his 3rd CC and BOB at Crufts 2023 dam Ch Ryazan Juliet. We have won the Dog CC at Crufts with 4 different males with Dustin winning it twice.

I started my judging carrier around 1994 at our open shows. I have attended a lot of breed seminars with our top borzoi breeders and exhibitors teaching us. My 1st CC appointment was at the Welsh KC in 2012. Since then I have given CC,s 3 times (one was postponed due to covid) and have my next one confirmed for this year. I have also judged in Sweden.

I am looking forward to my next appointment and feel honored to be invited.

Mrs Sue Pinkerton (Menigma Borzoi)